
Aaron Brockett


Council Members

Taishya Adams

Matt Benjamin

Lauren Folkerts

Tina Marquis

Ryan Schuchard

Nicole Speer 

Mark Wallach

Tara Winer





Council  Chambers

1777 Broadway

Boulder, CO 80302

August 1, 2024

6:00 PM

City Manager
Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde


City Attorney

Teresa Taylor Tate


City Clerk

Elesha Johnson








1.Call to Order and Roll Call
A.Jenifer Bough Housing Legacy Day Declaration presented by Mayor Brockett10 Min
2.Open Comment
3.Consent Agenda
A.Consideration of a motion to approve a request from Public Service Company of Colorado (dba Xcel Energy) for a permanent utility easement of approximately 0.1 acres to install and maintain a buried natural gas line within the City of Boulder’s William Arnold Open Space property pursuant to the disposal procedures of Article XII, Section 177 of the City of Boulder Charter

Introduction, first reading, and consideration of a motion to order published by title only Ordinance 8642 amending Section 1-2-1, “Definitions,” Title 2, “Government Organization,” Title 4, “Licenses and Permits,” Title 7, “Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Parking,” and Section 8-5-4, “Permit Application,” B.R.C. 1981, to modernize terminology to be consistent with new parking management technology; and setting forth related details

C.Introduction, first reading, and consideration of a motion to order published by title only Ordinance 8639 submitting to the registered electors of the city of Boulder at the Special Municipal Coordinated Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the question of whether to amend Sec. 130 of the Boulder Home Rule Charter to authorize City Council to set by ordinance the terms and criteria of board and commission members and amend the language regarding removal of board and commission members; specifying the form of the ballot and other election procedures; and setting forth related details 
D.Introduction, first reading, and consideration of a motion to order published by title only Ordinance 8640 submitting to the registered electors of the city of Boulder at the Special Municipal Coordinated Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the question of whether to repeal and replace Sec. 7 of the Boulder Home Rule Charter to increase the amount of mayor and council member compensation; specifying the form of the ballot and other election procedures; and setting forth related details 
E.Introduction, first reading, and consideration of a motion to order published by title only Ordinance 8641 submitting to the registered electors of the city of Boulder at the Special Municipal Coordinated Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the question of whether to amend Sec. 9 and adopt A NEW Sec. 21A. of the Boulder Home Rule Charter to authorize City Council to hold executive sessions as provided by state law; specifying the form of the ballot and other election procedures; and setting forth related details 

(1) Introduction, first reading, and consideration of a motion to order published by title only Ordinance 8638 submitting to the registered electors of the city of Boulder at the Special Municipal Coordinated Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the question of whether or not to adopt Section 11-4-8, “Decommissioning the Airport,” B.R.C. 1981, to decommission the Airport as soon as reasonably feasible and prohibit acceptance of state or federal funding which comes with obligations that would delay decommissioning of the Airport; specifying the form of the ballot and other election procedures; and setting forth related details

AND (conditional upon voter approval of “Repurpose Our Runways”)

(2) Introduction, first reading, and consideration of a motion to order published by title only Ordinance 8643 submitting to the registered electors of the city of Boulder at the Special Municipal Coordinated Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the question of, if Ballot Measure “Repurpose Our Runways” is passed, whether or not to adopt Section 11-4-8(e), “Decommissioning the Airport,” B.R.C. 1981, to repurpose the decommissioned airport site as sustainable mixed-use neighborhoods, with at least 50% of on-site housing units designated as permanently affordable for low-, moderate-, and middle-income residents and whose development shall be guided with input from a community board; specifying the form of the ballot and other election procedures; and setting forth related details

4.Call-Up Check-In
5.Public Hearings
6.Matters from the City Manager

Discussion and feedback on a potential approach to local zoning
regulations and licensing regime in response to the Natural Medicine Health Act of 2022, as amended by Colorado Senate Bill 23-290 and state regulations

60 min – 15 min presentation / 45 min council discussion
B.Update on Community & Council Forums Pilot (formerly Community Study Sessions Pilot)10 min
C.Council Process Improvement Working Group Update 15 min
7.Matters from the City Attorney
8.Matters from the Mayor and Members of Council
A.DRCOG Draft Regional Housing Needs Assessment process discussion15 min
9.Discussion Items

2:50 hrs

Additional Materials
Item Updates
Information Items
A.Update on City participation at the Public Utilities Commission
B.Update on Fort Chambers/Poor Farm Planning
C.Civic Area Phase 1: Window 1 Engagement Summary 
D.Update on June 23rd Chat with Council
Boards and Commissions
A.05.20.24 WRAB Signed Minutes
A.International Youth Day Declaration
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This meeting can be viewed at Meetings are aired live on Municipal Channel 8 and the city's website and are re-cablecast at 6 p.m. Wednesdays and 11 a.m. Fridays in the two weeks following a regular council meeting.


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The council chambers is equipped with a T-Coil assisted listening loop and portable assisted listening devices. Individuals with hearing or speech loss may contact us using Relay Colorado at 711 or 1-800-659-3656.


Anyone requiring special packet preparation such as Braille, large print, or tape recorded versions may contact the City Clerk's Office at 303-441-4222, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please request special packet preparation no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting.


If you need Spanish interpretation or other language-related assistance for this meeting, please call (303) 441-1905 at least three business days prior to the meeting. Si usted necesita interpretacion o cualquier otra ayuda con relacion al idioma para esta junta, por favor comuniquese al (303) 441-1905 por lo menos 3 negocios dias antes de la junta.


Send electronic presentations to email address: no later than 2 p.m. the day of the meeting.